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Proyék ieu mangrupa pigura spasi industri semi-circular / jangkungna 51 méter / total panjang 688 méter / bentang total 46 méter.

Program komputer otomatis ngabentuk timer beurat pigura spasi baja;

Beban kedah didamel dina titik, sareng anggotana henteu nanggung beban gurat;

Struktur pigura kudu mastikeun luyu jeung standar industri "spasi pigura mendi baud ball joint" JG / T10-2009


Pigura spasi baja diitung sarta dirancang ku software MST2020.

Salian minuhan sarat tina kode bahan nasional, baja dipaké dina proyék ieu ogé kudu minuhan sarat di handap ieu:

a) Babandingan nilai diukur tina kakuatan ngahasilkeun baja jeung nilai diukur tina kakuatan tensile teu kudu leuwih gede ti 0,85;

b) baja kudu boga hambalan ngahasilkeun atra, sarta elongation kudu leuwih gede ti 20%;

c) baja kudu weldability alus tur kateguhan dampak mumpuni;

Desain pigura spasi baja adopts 3D3S (versi 14.0) desain software tina struktur pipa komputer-dibantuan desain jeung sistem manufaktur pikeun ngalaksanakeun analisis gaya internal tina anggota jeung desain otomatis tina stress pinuh on microcomputer, sarta timer- beban beurat pigura grid ieu otomatis superimposed dina analisis gaya internal.

Panjang diitung tina rod nyaeta L0 = L, sarta rasio slenderness tina rod konci nyaéta rod dasi ≤ 200 sarta rod komprési ≤ 150. Babandingan slenderness tina rod séjén nyaéta rod dasi ≤ 250, rod tekanan ≤ 180.


This project is a semi-circular industrial space frame / height is 51 meters / total length 688 meters / total span 46 meters The computer program automatically forms the self-weight of the grid; The load must act on the nodes, and the members do not bear lateral loads; The frame structure should be strictly in accordance with the industry standard "Steel grid bolt ball joint" JG/T10-2009
This project is a semi-circular industrial space frame / height is 51 meters / total length 688 meters / total span 46 meters The computer program automatically forms the self-weight of the grid; The load must act on the nodes, and the members do not bear lateral loads; The frame structure should be strictly in accordance with the industry standard "Steel grid bolt ball joint" JG/T10-2009
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This project is a semi-circular industrial space frame / height is 51 meters / total length 688 meters / total span 46 meters The computer program automatically forms the self-weight of the grid; The load must act on the nodes, and the members do not bear lateral loads; The frame structure should be strictly in accordance with the industry standard "Steel grid bolt ball joint" JG/T10-2009

waktos pos: Mar-10-2022